[UK-CONTEST] Jubilee Contest
g3sjj at btinternet.com
Sun Jun 9 10:34:20 EDT 2002
Being on decorating duty for the second weekend running, I wasn't able to get involved but managed to have a tune around the bands occasionally. It was brave of HFCC to organise such a large event and a good idea to link it with the Commonwealth given the Queens strong ties there. My own observations would be :
- It was very frustrating hearing UK stations and not being able to give them any support, particularly when they were running strings of CQs without any callers. I would certainly have called G3KHZ, GQ3TXF, GQ4IIY, GQ4BLE & MQ5ACC to name but a few.
- It was made even more frustrating when you hear them being called by F, DL, ON and PA etc. We are all Europeans after all.
- The lack of multipliers as already mentioned by real entrants (!) is very disconcerting and even more so on SSB.
If HFCC are serious about re-vamping Commonwealth Contest, and lets face it, a re-vamp is well over due, I would like to suggest the following :
- SSB wasn't well supported so a multi-mode event is probably not a good idea for this one.
- G, GM, GW, GU, GJ, GI and GD should all counts as multipliers
- Inter UK QSOs should be allowed
I will not support the old CC because of the 3x penalty imposed on UK stations, but come next March if we were allowed to potentially match the number of Qs made by stations outside the UK then I could be persuaded to have a go. HFCC need to forget its old inhibitions about changing CC rules, I am sure Al Slater would have agreed after all these years. Also, I am sure those guys who keep the stats wouldn't really mind re-calculating in the interest of keeping the contest alive.
This could be a winner, I commend it to the house, er, reflector.
73 Chris
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