[UK-CONTEST] Jubilee contest - the future?
Richard Newstead
g3cwi at tesco.net
Wed Jun 12 06:26:31 EDT 2002
Perhaps what is needed is some good publicity in the Commonwealth so
that the "real" locals get involved as opposed to just the ex-pats? The
comments here that no locals had heard of the Jubilee contest in 9M6
illustrates the fact that these are distant places with populations that
do not look towards the Empire or Commonwealth in any substantive manner
any more. I guess that if you ask 10 Singaporeans if they belong the
Commonwealth that 7 would not have heard of it and the other 3 would be
unsure. Maybe the contest needs regional contest co-ordinators who can
take out the message to the locals (radio missionaries?). Would the
British Council play a role in this I
Richard Newstead, G3CWI
Buy and sell ham gear online at The Amazing Online Flea Market
-----Original Message-----
From: uk-contest-admin at contesting.com
[mailto:uk-contest-admin at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Peter Hobbs
Much as everyone seems to have it in for BERU, look at the evidence.
With record scores and entries in recent years, I don't know how you can
propose that this event is due for retirement. Yes, it may not be an
ideal entry point to contesting for the recent licensee, but there are
(or should be) events specifically for that purpose. As for suggesting
that the Jubilee format should replace BERU on the evidence of last
weekend - the Commonwealth voted with their feet and there were very few
active stations that were not ex-pats! A repeat performance on the same
basis would be a severe embarrassment to the RSGB. And do we really
need another all works all event but without any substantial multiplier
content to make it worth while? Yes, it was appropriate as a
commemorative event but pretty much of a drag really compared to IOTA,
which already substantially fills the Jubilee type role.
On a more constructive note, I was wondering if whatever "Empire"
contest we end up with (assuming the ultra PC guys don't have it all
their own way) couldn't be shared with (dare I say it?) the French. I
haven't kept up to speed lately, but there used to be a Union Francaise
contest that must have some commonality with BERU and they have some
pretty choice territories under their banner. It would take a braver
man than I to broach the idea with REF, but in the spirit of EU
cooperation etc., etc., who knows?
Peter G3LET
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