[UK-CONTEST] Jottings....
Ivan Davies
g3izd at davies.net1.co.uk
Thu Jun 13 19:14:41 EDT 2002
For my sins I have never taken part in "BERU", but imho it aint broke, unless you dont speak CW.
The apparent success of the Jubilee contest would seem to be as a result of
1. A real live Jubilee
2. The chance of a sheepskin for those interested.
3. The use of the *Q prefix.
the above are not likely to obtain again for 10 years.
In another vein, who would support me in pressing for the re-instatement of the LF cumulatives, a splendid series of 9 little sessions on those cold dark winter evenings in Jan/Feb.This year they were replaced by TWO 12wpm contests - a classic instance of dumbing down.I intend requesting the HFCC to at least re-schedule the Lf cums- join me?
Cheers Ivan G3IZD
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