[UK-CONTEST] Contests - Cumulatives in particular

David L Sharred G3NKC at thersgb.net
Sun Jun 23 12:10:08 EDT 2002

I checked again the awards made in the cumulatives; and make the following

year 2000 - no award was made either to a leading Novice licensee, or a
newly licensed amateur.  All awards went to seasoned contesters
Year 1999 - An award was made to a Novice, but none to a newly licensed
amateur. Again, all certificates were awarded to seasoned contesters
Year 1998 - Similar to 1999
Year 1997 similar story to 2000

One of the main aims for this contest, as we should all remember, was as a
training event, hopefully for newer licensed folks.

It turned into a mini contest for Big Guns (contest speaking!), so, in my
opinion failed the main criterion for existing in the first place.

I have to point out that the Slow Speed cumulatives are suffering a similar
fate - we do not see entrants (or rarely so !) for either newly licensed or
Novice categories.

Dunno what the answer is - I would have to check what coverage the Novice
pages give to "training " contests in RadCom.  It seems clear to me that
newly licensed people bypass the contest news (event the Rules pages); so,
if a different tack is needed, maybe the Novice pages should be trying more
to incite people to have a go in a contest ?


Dave, G3NKC

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