Stephen Telenius-Lowe m01uzn00 at cwcom.net
Tue Mar 5 16:10:11 EST 2002

>  An S5 station might not see
> it this way, he actually said to me that he was entitled to
> 2.8kc of 10m during Sunday prime time! I begged to differ, and
> we had an acrimonious fight. There was a W on frequency as
> well telling him he couldn't have that much of the band,
> but he didn't want to know.

Maybe this was the very same S5 station who caused deliberate QRM to me
after I had been operating on a (very!) clear frequency for a good 10
minutes, when the S5 suddenly appeared. This was also on Sunday afternoon
on 10m. My guess as to what happens under such circumstances is that
someone who has been operating for a long while on a frequency has to go
for either a toilet break or for something to eat. When he comes back, he
expects "his" frequency to be still available, and he claims it as "his"
frequency, even if, in the meantime, you have found this nice clear niche
in the band, asked if the frequency is in use, and had 10 or a dozen QSOs
without experiencing any QRM!

On the Saturday I managed to find a prime frequency just above 28500,
which amazingly I was able to hold on to for over four hours, giving me
the best rates (over 200/hr for the "Last 100") of the whole contest. Even
though I was bursting to go, I just had to keep the frequency. It came as
quite a relief when the QRM eventually got so bad I had to relieve the
frequency (and myself).

Steve, G4JVG.

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