Robin Thompson robin at g3tkf.freeserve.co.uk
Wed May 8 16:10:08 EDT 2002

In message <004d01c1f648$4d79f140$fb2c7ad5 at donald>, Don Beattie 
<g3ozf at btinternet.com> writes
>From time to time I do the odd SSB contest, and I have a problem with 
>my Yaesu DVS-2 voice keyer. Worse than that, I can't find the datasheet 
>on it.
>It no longer stores the voice messages when the rig is turned off. I 
>suspect there must be a lithium battery inside which has expired, but I 
>can't seem to see how to get the unit apart. If anyone has a data sheet 
>could they drop me an e-mail with the "taking apart" instructions please ?
>Sorry to take up bandwidth here.
>Don, G3BJ
The battery is a lithium CR-2032 but you need the one with solder tags 
(RS catalogue I think). It is got at by removing the screw under the 
rubber foot top right looking at the rear of the unit - gently prising 
apart the case wide a wide screwdriver. The case separates from the top 
(as I remember!).
A fiddly job but only 10mins or so.
There are threads on the Yaesu group about improving the quality of the 
recording unit - I had a quick look at the suggested mods and changed my 
mind !!  Too small components and operator too old !!


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