[UK-CONTEST] Wanted - Active contest club.

Robert Morgan robert.email at btinternet.com
Thu May 9 10:51:54 EDT 2002

Myself (M5ZAP) and my son (M0TTT), have both been active in contests for about the last 2 years and we are currently members of the Demontford University Club who are an excellent club quite active in various contests.

Unfortunately due to our home QTH in Coventry being in a heavy residential area with very limited space we cannot get any competitive aerials up and also have problems with causing TVI to neighbours, for these reasons we are unable to operate contests from home.

We are looking to join another contest club to add to the contests we already enter with the DMU Club. Can anyone point us to an active contest clubs that compete regularly in all or some of these contests IOTA, WPX CW & SSB, CQWW SSB, ARRL 10m.

We bring with us 2 competent operators, competitive station equipment, plus a ton of enthusiasm.

Look forward to any replies / info.

Andy Morgan M5ZAP
Robert Morgan M0TTT

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