Ian Pritchard
i.pritchard at ntlworld.com
Mon Nov 25 13:50:42 EST 2002
Operating from the fine QTH of GW4BLE...on a hill with excellent takeoff to USA/JA.....(Thanks to Steve and Mandy for having me.)
I haven't checked through the log yet .. but there'll probably be some points lost through
my stupid mistakes. There usually is , but here goes..
4162 Q. 123 Z. 438 C. 5.08 M. points .. 3 hours sleep and 5230 pushes of the F1 button.
Conditions seemed fair but not good on HF..good activity though..
On the other hand 160M was really tough .. weak sigs and lots of noise.
Not suprising then that 40M had so much traffic, I can't recall it ever being so busy.
So many stations and so few kilohertz.
TS930 + Alpha 86 belonging to G3TXF .. Thanks Nigel
160M Shunt fed tower.
80M Dipole in Tree
40M 2 ele @ 45'agl
20/15/10 TH7 @40'agl
All in all, great fun ...... Ian G3WVG
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