Les Allwood
g3vqo at btinternet.com
Tue Nov 26 05:47:58 EST 2002
Whilst you were all sitting in a nice warm shack, I was in my car in a muddy field near Boulogne-sur-Mer with a callsign that made grown men cry !!!
Using an FT847 running 50 watts into a 20m end fed wire draped along a hedge and fed through an SG237 auto-tuner, it was ( of necessity ) a daylight-only operation finishing at lunchtime on Sunday for the return journey.
It was fun, although rather chilly, and the electrically-quiet location was an absolute delight. Best moment was getting first-time reply on 80m from Stateside well after sunrise - not much for you but my first 80m QSO from France. Most disappointing was hearing ZL6QH repeatedly calling CQ on 20m without reply, but he just couldn't hear me.
15m was not a success as I found I had RF feedback with anything more than a handfull of watts - an earthing problem that should be easily fixed for my next trip.
Well done to all of you who got the tricky call first go !!! This time ( again subjectively ) it seemed to be the Russian/Ukrainian special contest calls who had the most trouble, whilst the ordinary Russian club calls were very slick.
Callsign : F/G3VQO/P
Claimed Score : 65262
Created by : SD V9.93 and SDCHECK V9.93
160m 80m 40m 20m 15m 10m Total
Valid QSOs: 0 3 61 130 38 34 266
Total Mults: 0 5 35 61 30 18 149
Total Points: 0 5 104 179 72 78 438
Zone Mults: 0 2 7 12 8 8 37
Country Mults: 0 3 28 49 22 10 112
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