[UK-CONTEST] 21/28MHz Contest

Chris Burbanks chris.burbanks at btinternet.com
Mon Oct 7 16:02:54 EDT 2002

Managed about 10 Qs in the afternoon because I felt sorry for the numerous Eu guys who
had spent so many hours CQing, otherwise DIYing and carrying out my duties as one of the
four Area Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinators. (Doing your bit for the local community does
appear to make antennas more acceptable, so far!)

There must be a case now, as was discussed last year, of making this event dual mode and
possibly changing or adding a band.

- With lots of other social and contest events around at this time of the year, it really
is difficult to justify two RSGB Rest of World works UK contests.

- As Chris GM3WOJ proposed, there may be scope for changing to it to 14/21, or even
14/21/28 but 2 bands out 3 and x2 points for 28MHz. The majority of comments seem in
favour of UK able to work UK, so why not?

- M3s are not allowed to use 28MHz, so are immediately disadvantaged.

- Dual mode, (similar to IOTA and ARRL 10m contests) would allow the CW only or SSB only
people to concentrate on their favourite mode whilst those of us who are ambi-modal could
use the activity generated by both modes. RoW entrants would also have a greater choice
of UK stations to work.

- CW would be brought to the attention and possibly demonstrated to the newer licencees
who might othewise not bother with the mode. (Very much my argument for combining SSB and
CW  Field Days).

- There are plenty of 48 hour contests so this nicely timed 12 hour event is most

- Flares pemitting, 10m can be a fantastic band for DX so it would be pity to see the
band taken out altogether. In the past the contest has been kept on the books to maintain
interest, albiet reduced, in these 2 bands during sunspot mimima. A point which deserves
some consideration.

I do hope there are no flares in a couple of weeks for the CW leg. I am trying to keep
the Sunday clear to have bash!!

Chris G3SJJ

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