[UK-CONTEST] 2128MHz CW/SSB Contests

Chris Burbanks chris.burbanks at btinternet.com
Mon Oct 21 15:39:07 EDT 2002

These contests are seriously in need of a major re-think. Despite much discussion after
last years' events no real change was introduced. Now I suspect the initiative has been
lost with WAG dominating the CW weekend. The 40m contest was rightly scrapped since the
"Rest of World works UK" format no longer works. Couple this with the out-of-date
syndrome of UK-can't-work-UK it is really now a recipe for disaster.

One of the main reasons for keeping the event going was to retain interest in the high
bands during sunspot minima. I am no longer convinced that this is a valid reason. The
only way I see a way forward would be to have a single mutli-mode event, similar to the
IOTA Contest format with CW only, SSB only and mult-mode sections. Having said all that,
it is interesting to note that in the CW event I worked more stations on 2 bands in 9
hours than I would do on 5 bands over 24 hours in the Commonwealth Contest.

21/28CW - G3SJJ - Open Section - 9 hours- 314 Qs - 93 M - 87,606
Band    Qs    M
15       144    50
10       170    43

FT1kMP, Acom 1000, 10m 4 el mono at 50ft, 15m rotatable single driven element (ex A4S) at

Chris G3SJJ

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