[UK-CONTEST] 2128MHz CW/SSB Contests

Mike Farmer G3VAO at hortonbrook.freeserve.co.uk
Tue Oct 22 12:38:49 EDT 2002

Hi All

I like Dave (G3YMC) and Clive (GM3POI)'s ideas. However, I would like to see
it go a step further, why not just 2 RSGB HF contests a year?

First one - lets call it the RSGB High Band Contest:   10, 15 and 20 m SSB
and/or CW (could even be any mode) 24 hours duration.

Second one - lets call it the RSGB Low band Contest:   40, 80 AND 160m SSB
and/or CW (could even be any mode) 24 hours duration.

In both:
1.   Inter-UK working permitted with extra QSO pts for working adjacent
countries and even more for working non-adjacent countries. i.e. 1 pt for
same country, 2 pts for adjacent country, 3 pts for non-adjacent country.
2.   Mults for each DXCC country/entity.
3.   QRP, Low power (no amp) and High Power (amp) Sections.
4.   Multi radios and/or multi ops must enter High Power Section.  (Most
clubs/groups have access to amps etc)5.   Contest exchange to be serial
number only (get rid of postcodes etc).
6.   No crazy limitations on Antennas (to encourage development of stations
though antennas not higher power).

Over to the HFCC to tell me why it can not be done.

73 de Mike

> Dave G3YMC said
> "Of course 40m CW used to be one the highlights in my contest year.  I
> regret its demise."
> With the exception of a few people on this reflector that appears to be a
> general view, stopping a contest that attracted a good number of  entrants
> hardly seems the way to encourage UK contesting. A better approach to
> broaden interest would have been to make it a two band contest to include
> 80m.
> As to the 21/28 that W/E appears to now have been lost to the WAG however
> K index of 3 for the first 4 periods did not help the numbers. However
> the drop in the Flux having a bigger impact next year the inclusion of 20m
> might help. 73 Clive GM3POI

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