[UK-CONTEST] 2128MHz CW/SSB Contests

Jonathan G0DVJ g0dvj at amsat.org
Tue Oct 22 18:08:19 EDT 2002

On Tuesday, October 22, 2002, at 09:39  pm, Mike Farmer wrote:

>   I feel that the number of FD stations
> that are set up under emergency conditions is so small that FD is 
> irrelevant
> and FD should go.

> On the other hand,   IOTA is undoubtabley a big success so I guess it 
> should
> stay.  But AFS - I just do not see the point of those 2.

These points demonstrate a very limited view IMHO.   Fine for you as an 
individual - but both FDs and AFS (and club calls) contests are the best 
events for getting club members out and working in teams - FD in this 
era is bu**er all to do with emergency planning for most people and that 
is irrelevant.

> Conclusion my earlier message must be changed to 3 contests not 2
> RSGB Low Bands
> RSGB High Bands

Maybe the various 12/24 hour events need rationialisation - I have said 
before that I agree that there should be fewer RSGB contests - but lets 
please preserve some of the shorter specialised events such as 
cumulative slow speeds, top band 4 hour events in the evenings, 3 hour 
club calls, etc.   These attract a different set of people to the longer 
larger weekend events - and are very useful for bringing new contesters 
in.  And before you quote how many new calls appear in the entry lists, 
I don't necessarily mean new callsigns and neither do people dipping 
their toes into the water always put an entry in, any more than they 
want to spend a whole weekend at a contest first up!

Interesting discussion tho !

Jonathan G0DVJ

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