Clive Whelan gw3njw at onetel.net.uk
Tue Sep 17 20:37:28 EDT 2002


The adjudication of ROPOCO2 is now complete.

The RadCom write-up cannot cover some issues raised by entrants, 
so here are a few random comments.

1. QRP stations. Your callsign is e.g. G9XYZ *not* G9XYZ/QRP. If 
that is logged at one end of the QSO but not the other, someone 
is going to lose points, because the log check software will 
throw the QSO out. 

2. Spaces in Post Codes. The software is intelligent and will 
disregard spaces therein. 

3. Dupes etc. All contest loggers do not score dupes, and in 
such cases they therefore need no explicit citation in the 
exchange field. On a broader front, please do not put *anything* 
in the exchange column, except the exchange itself. If you 
submit an electronic log ( which I hope you increasingly will) 
and put a ? mark in the exchange field, presumably not logged at 
the other end, the QSO will initially be rejected for both 
parties. A sanity check is always performed of course, but it 
does make for more work, and slows things down. At the limit, I 
have to accept *exactly* what you put in the exchange column, 
and although I am ultimately endowed with limited powers of 
interpretation, this is a risky business, which I would prefer 
not to have to do. In many walks of life standardisation is 
stifling, but in contest logging it is indeed preferable.

4. Email logs. *Do* proof read the attached files. Sometimes, 
completely extraneous files are received, e.g. an IOTA log was 
received for ROPOCO2, and despite strenuous efforts by various 
of us, the correct log was never actually received. One station 
at least will be very disappointed not to find his log listed in 
the results table. It takes 2 hours to operate ROPOCO and 2 
minutes to check the submitted log.

Here endeth the soapbox!



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