Dave Sergeant dsergeant at connectfree.co.uk
Wed Sep 18 06:03:48 EDT 2002

On 18 Sep 2002 at 0:37, Clive Whelan wrote:

> 1. QRP stations. Your callsign is e.g. G9XYZ *not* G9XYZ/QRP. If that
> is logged at one end of the QSO but not the other, someone is going to
> lose points, because the log check software will throw the QSO out. 

Perhaps a timely reminder that, although many stations are heard 
signing /QRP, it is not within the terms of the UK amateur licence 
and should not be used.  If you want to indicate you are QRP then you 
should use eg G3YMC QRP - and leave it off in your contest log!

I rarely sign QRP in any form (and certainly not in a contest).  I 
can break the pile ups just as well without it with the 5W from my 
K2, and get a 599 like everybody else.  Those who sign QRP get 559 

73s Dave G3YMC

dsergeant at iee.org
dsergeant at btinternet.com

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