[UK-CONTEST] HF SSB Field day rules ..

Jim Balls jim at j1mbo.f9.co.uk
Wed Sep 18 19:42:49 EDT 2002

Hi Chris et all,

What is there to win (apart from contests :-) .. I guess it's politics and
money again eh?
I just want fair rules .. as usuall I guess it suited the rich boys of
contesting (who I guess just happen to be on the HFCC comittee). Just
because there are a number of dual VFO radios around, should you have to be
forced to own one if you want to be competitive in the entry level of
contests, I think not .. rules should not dictate what radio equipment you
have to own they should try and make a level playing field, this is not the
case in this particular section of this contest.
If this part of the rules is so "brilliant" why isn't it implicated in more
contests, like 21/28 etc?

Come on guys .. lets have a flat pitch to play ball on instead of putting
the money boys at the top of the hill!

Oh and still no one has given me an answer, so I'll ask a third and final
Can anyone justify the use of a dual RX machine against a single RX unit as
"Fair Play"?



----- Original Message -----
From: "G3SJJ" <g3sjj at btinternet.com>
To: <uk-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 10:07 PM
Subject: RE: [UK-CONTEST] HF SSB Field day rules ..

You won't win this one Jim for reasons I will not expand on, but those
concerned know why. 73 Chris

-----Original Message-----
From: uk-contest-admin at contesting.com
[mailto:uk-contest-admin at contesting.com]On Behalf Of Jim Balls
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 3:18 PM
To: uk-contest at contesting.com
Subject: RE: [UK-CONTEST] HF SSB Field day rules ..

Hi Andy et all

I'm having no problems with the e-mails here, and the last message you
posted twice, unless the group duplicated it?


I was not implying that you were cheating I just a clarification of the
rules as nothing is shown for PC's etc I guess you do as you like, but for
the radio side, as I see it, the HFCC are saying, unless you have a FT1000
/ IC775 / TS950SDX  and want to operate in the restricted section you are
handicapped, as those stations using such equipment can cover the band
looking for multipliers, which lets face it are the most important part of
operating, twice as quick as anyone else! .. Maybe a handicap rule should
be implied, say -100,000 points if you use a radio with dual RX's  ..   :-)

Why, when the hobby is in decline should we be saying "well unless you
spend £1000 + you wont be competitive in the lowest section of the
competition" .. it just isn't right, we should be trying to get more
stations on the air not frighten them away!

So I will ask again, can anyone justify the use of a dual RX machine
against a single RX unit as "Fair Play" .. I think not ..
If you was playing golf and your mate .. because he spent lots of money ..
was allowed to use two balls per hole to your one .. would you be happy?

Come on HFCC .. lets have some "Fair Rules" and get back to using average
radios and getting more stations on the air.

We don't need any more sections in the contest, the antenna rules are spot
on, as are the power levels for the restricted section, but the radio part
is just way off course.

In think unless anything is done, I won't be taking part next year, and I
don't want that as I love the contest and I'm sure the HFCC don't want to
see less entrants into the test.

Good luck to all who entered the HF SSB FD.

Jim M0CKE .. Operator at M5ARC/P

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