Ian White, G3SEK G3SEK at ifwtech.co.uk
Thu Dec 4 09:03:59 EST 2003

G3KKQ wrote:
>Was annoyed with the dx stations who didn't send callsigns. I timed one 
>at 8 minutes and had worked him anyway.

Others said much the same... and me too.

Regardless of whether it's deliberate sharp practice or just stupidity, 
the effect is the same: it wastes other contestants' time - lots of it - 
but not their own.

Maybe this is something the rules should deal with? For example, "All 
stations shall give their own callsign (at least) once per QSO." 
Enforcement would be easy, especially now that anyone can record audio 
direct to HD. If the will is there, this problem could be gone within a 
couple of years.

73 from Ian G3SEK

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