[UK-CONTEST] The tyranny of Cabrillo!

Nigel Cawthorne G3TXF at compuserve.com
Sun Jan 5 05:57:17 EST 2003

Hullo UK Contesters!

Dave G3YMC in his comments on the Stew Perry 160m 
Contest highlighted the problem with Cabrillo. It is NOT
a standard. It's a standard, but with numerous permutations.

For earlier Stew Perry Contests the organisers were happy
to accept a spreadsheet which they would cut and paste
into their points calculating software, but this year they
insisted on "Cabrillo format". OK.

Q: How do you create a "Cabrillo" entry if you've done
the contest in, say, TurboLog?

A: You flaff around for about two hours cutting, pasting
and re- aligning columns (including the totally redundant
two RST columns) so that it fits into the ARRL/Stew Perry
version of the Cabrillo format. [The "Cabrillo" export
from TurboLog is only partly useful - it still has to be
complete realigned - hence the cutting and pasting.]

There's no doubt that Cabrillo is magic when it comes
to adjudicating major contests (eg CQWW and ARRL) but 
it's nothing short of a complete pain for diddly contests,  
because it is NOT a one-for-all standard.

73 - Nigel G3TXF

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