Clive Whelan gw3njw at onetel.net.uk
Mon Jan 6 07:24:17 EST 2003

Hi Stewart

GM4AFF wrote

> Clive, to deal with your last problem (typing and reading) I tried WF1B for
> the first time in the RU and was pleased at being able to pull a call off
> the screen into the logging call field simply by pressing the Home key. If
> you use the software in a WIndows environment you can click on a call with
> your mouse. A right click will actually 'work' him, and do all the necessary
> in the logging window too! Leave the computer to get on with it!

Thanks for the info. about WF1B. I didn't mention, but should have, that 
Writelog has a very handy facility, as follows.

When a callsign is preceded by de then it is highlighted. Green means a new 
QSO, yellow means a mult, and "grey" means a dupe. You can then click the call 
with the mouse ( gawd I hate using a mouse!), and the call is placed in the 
log entry screen for normal processing. Of course some people ( K3WW comes to 
mind) never use de and defeat the system! Also there is sometimes a need to 
type odd calls that haven't been highlighted for some reason.

So Writelog has made it as easy as possible, but I really must learn to touch 



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