[UK-CONTEST] IOTA Cabrillo scoring?

Jim Martin MM0BQI at theRSGB.net
Wed Jan 8 03:46:46 EST 2003

I think the RSGB has done a great job moving to Cabrillo.  Not a perfect
'standard' but the journey has to start somewhere
I believe the contest rules cover both cabrillo and other types of
electronic file entry hence the comment on scoring dupes zero.  The strength
of Cabrillo is that no matter what you think you have worked the contest
tools will analyse it and score it the same as ALL other stations. From the
organisers point of view they can do away with dupe sheets summary sheets
etc etc and just have one file it work with. ( I know the format is not
ideal )
Your contest logger will give you an idea of what you think you have scored
and then after adjudication you can have your UBN etc to check these
findings. This has to be a much more satisfying experience for the contester
wanting to improve themselves.
One advantage of Cabrillo is that in this weekends AFS CW contest I will be
logging with N1MMLogger as a WPXCW template and the Cabrilo output file
matches the RSGB Cabrillo entry file perfectly.  Now that IS progress!

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