G3WGV at aol.com G3WGV at aol.com
Mon Jan 13 07:37:44 EST 2003

Recipe for reduced score in AFS:

1. Take one WGV and displace 300 miles north of old QTH.

2. Take one part-developed can of homebrew software and try to use it for the 
whole four hours.

3. Cook on an Titanex 87ft vertical, good for DX but not so good for intra-G. 
 Heat gently for four hours at around the 400W mark.

4. Serve on a Cabrillo log, garnished with posting to UK-Contest.

Putting it another way...

208 valid(?) QSOs; 2080 points claimed.

Apologies to those that I called as a dupe (one software bug) and the 
occasional unexpected burst of CW at the wrong time (another software bug!).

73, John

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