Jim Martin MM0BQI at theRSGB.net
Mon Jan 13 13:17:32 EST 2003

Great way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Fitted operating in between helping
with homework(physics) preparing dinner(roast beef) and proof reading the
XYLs report(magazine market trends)
Managed 85 Qs, given my level of CW, 40w and an HF2V on the roof, bent
double in the wind I am quite pleased with the results.  Very simple S+P
tactics I managed two complete sweeps of the band and those I couldn't work
were stuck in the bandmap for later.  Good conditions and activity levels.
Amazing the number of calls which did not register in the master.dta file.
The electrical noise level increased drastically from 16.30 and I wondered
if this was central heating/microwaves etc starting up?
Most signals were much stronger received on the 40m dipole.
All in all a fun event. How about including 40m for us antenna challenged
folk so we can enjoy more of the fun?
Working next weekend so the next contest is BARTG RTTY 25/26 Jan, that's
another good way to spend a few hours.  All you need is your PC, soundcard
and a free copy of MMTTY software and you too can join the digital age!
GMDX Group

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