John MacLean MM0CCC mm0ccc at btinternet.com
Mon Jan 13 16:15:14 EST 2003

Hi folks,

Tried AFS CW from Stirling & District ARS club premises this year.  214
QSO's of which, 5 were dupes.  As I'm not confident enough to try SO2R (or
line up mults on sub VFO)  on CW yet, SO1R it was.  Spent almost an hour S&P
before running for first time.  Never sure if this is the best way to go
from GM or not - work the stronger locals early, then run and pick up
stations from further into G/GW when darkness falls.  Ran for most of the
remainder of the contest apart from one 20 minute spell S&P.

Last years effort only brought 1 continental (an SM) in the entire contest.
Nice therefore to work several LY's, DL's, OK's, plus an HB9 this time
around.  Heard RK3FF during daytime.

FT1000MP - ETO91b - Dipole @ 70', 40' @ ends.  Logged using NA, set up for
CQWW WPX - Was this best option?

Hope to be back on for SSB leg where the sub VFO will get more use :-)

73 de John, MM0CCC.

p.s.  John G3WGV, I liked your "recipe" format.  Could become "The Cabrillo
of contest reporting".

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