Tim-M0BEW m0bew at blueyonder.co.uk
Mon Jan 13 18:41:21 EST 2003

1000MP - 100w
Dipole @ 55ft with ends out @ 30ft.

220 q's with 11 dupes - 209 valid.

1st hour - 71
2nd hour - 70
3rd hour - 35
4th hour - 35

Good contest, lots of activity, band was rammed and a joy to hear. Heard
some superb scores during the contest, and some great scores posted so far.
Don't know what happened here, I can't explain it. Could not get anyone to
hear me it appears. Must try harder in the signal department.

Ran for 3 hours 30mins, S&Ped for 30mins.
Looking back through the log only 30% ! of the qsos came from cq'ing. The
rest were made through the 2nd vfo and during the S&P. If I appeared to not
quite inside your filter when I called I'm sorry :)
Made 1 dupe myself, BWP I think it was. The others from callers.

Thanks to all who called, I made a few neat audio clips which should make it
up on the my website in a week or two when all is finished.
See you all in SBB with a stronger signal I hope. I'll perhaps try a
reflector underneath. Any comments/experiences from doing this are welcome.


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