G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Sun Jan 19 11:41:58 EST 2003

Exactly, Steve. I was only complaining at my own lack of timing, sharpness,
astuteness, cunning or whatever! (Clumsiness) It is just another operating
technique and I cocked it up. I guess in this event it is more terminal than
others and therefore important I got it right, which I didn't.

Dipole at 62ft apex, ends at 50ft, over water-logged heavy clay soil, which
I think is more relevant than orientation, for info anyway it is 150/330
degrees. Open fields for many wavelengths in most directions.

Chris G3SJJ
As for loosing "your frequency" whilst attempting a quick S & P - tough -
that's just the name of the game, you have to be better timed, sharp,
astute, cunning or whatever.

This is supposed to be a *CONTEST* after all.

... and in response to Don's request - antenna here was a <sagging> coax fed
dipole in a neighbouring spruce at around 40 feet.  Running approx.



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