Richard, M5RIC
m5ric at talk21.com
Sun Jan 19 13:57:48 EST 2003
Hello all
First time at doing this contest, I was pre-warned that 100W would not be good enough - they were right(for keeping a frequency anyway). I started out on 670 and after about 30 mins I could not stay any longer due to a high amount of splatter from near by stations. I had a few good runs in the first hour but always had move somewhere else as I got pushed off each time. As Steve said its a contest so its not supposed to be easy(did u find our QSO Steve:-).
S+P was ok but after 2 sweeps of the band I had everyone in the log. Trying to find a frequency was hard, trying to keep it was even harder! I noticed the problems with SSTV people started sending just as someone was calling CQ. I'd go along with Chris SJJ's idea so we can have no QRMing for the 4 hours.
Finished with 130Q for 1300 points. Equipment was a TS-570, 100W and a Dipole N-S @ 50ft with ends dropped to 40ft.
Next one is UBA next weekend.
73 all
Richard, M5RIC
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