David L Sharred
G3NKC at thersgb.net
Sun Jan 19 15:44:53 EST 2003
BlankHi all,
The first time in a few years (maybe 6) that I entered the SSB leg.
Got 287 good QSO's - no mults
Entry obo Lichfield ARS
FT1000MP, TL922, dipole at 45', inverted V fashion, East - West
Started on 3730 - figured if the SSTV band (which is only voluntary) is
3730-3740, then I ought to have been ok. Had some QSO's on this frequency
before the contest, with no complaints, but when the even started, I was
plagued by the SSTV fraternity. I had to move eventually after approx 1
hour, as more SSTV policemen joined in (including 1 DL !). I don't suppose
that the SSTV brigade look here, but I can't see that they are doing
themselves any favours by jamming people. You look like a might sad bunch to
I would have thought a more proactive approach would be to lobby for a
segment that overlaps the modes (i.e. 3600 - 3610; you get the idea).
The band segment is too small for the amount of activity - forever defending
frequency against others - usually when a weaker station calls; you wait for
the exchange, someone jumps in. However, there were 2 stations who asked me
if there was a part of the band that was free from a contest, so I respect
the wish to leave a part of the band clear.
I was very impressed at the number of M3, M5, 2E calls active; maybe some of
these will become solid converts to contesting !
Dave Sharred
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