Tim-M0BEW m0bew at blueyonder.co.uk
Mon Jan 20 09:20:43 EST 2003

Great scores again I see.
Here's mine.

Score - 269 qsos - 251 claimed.
Club: Lichfield ARS.

hourly rates -

1st - 80
2nd - 82
3rd - 50
4th - 39

Managed a few hours at high power. Got a knock about 16:00 and had to drop
to a couple of hundred to keep them happy. I left the DVK calling while I
was talking at the front door, so if you called I'm sorry.
Same setup as last week except I tried a reflector this time, very simple
affiar at about shoulder hieght. Did it make any difference? Who knows,
didn't feel like it. My first hour was still appauling.
Seems like my signal still wasn't loud enough to be heard at the start. I
was working folks over on the other vfo with serials 25-35 higher just under
an hour into the contest, while I was cq'ing to fresh air on my run freq 25k
below them. Really wierd stuff.

Quite a few dupes, but thats how it goes. I work and log em all.
Thanks everyone that called.


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