Steve Jones steve at rjtraining.fsnet.co.uk
Mon Jan 20 18:07:09 EST 2003

Ditto, pa4dx is the one who qrmed me at the end. i would be happy to put my name to an offical complaint to his licencing authority. Thanks for his email address Stewart.


Steve GW0GEI
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  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Alan Hydes 
  To: Cooper Stewart ; UK Reflector 
  Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 9:27 PM


  I didn't compete in the SSB leg, just gave a few points here and there.
  However I was listening to your tussle with PA4DX and I commend you
  for keeping your rag with this guy.  His behaviour and language was totally
  out of order.  His argument that we should keep out of his 'digital'
  is laughable.   SSTV is not a 'digital' mode, and if it is a 'sub-band' I
  know by who's authority.  One thing's for sure he has no right to cause
  deliberate QRM.  If you want to take this further with the Dutch licencing
  authorities, let me know if you need a witness.

  73s  Alan  G3XSV

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: "Cooper Stewart" <coopers at odl.co.uk>
  To: "UK Reflector" <uk-contest at contesting.com>
  Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 9:41 AM

  > 192 Q's with one dupe. (Same as CW leg; wierd.)
  > I don't think I've done this contest before, I can honestly say that I
  > probably won't do it again! PA4DX deliberately followed me, QRM-ed me and
  > swore at me repeatedly in spite of me QSY'ing out of his precious
  > 'digital' sub-band. I was livid but stayed cool throughout. I did,
  > e-mail him afterwards (simply to make sure it was him and not a malicious
  > pirate). His response more or less admits everything and tells me that he
  > has reported me to my 'authorities' along with others. So watch out! I'm
  > fear of the consequences.
  > The contest was a struggle from the beginning. I put up a dipole at about
  > 30ft oriented E/W over very wet soil 'cos that seemed sensible. My land
  > slopes more or less southerly. I'll never know if it was better than the
  > delta loop 'cos my towers are down.
  > G3NLY was loudest at the start, with YDX close behind. M5BXB was audible
  > from before the start, but never heard me call him at all (although he did
  > eventually call me in the last hour I think). As did many others. I just
  > trawled the band putting everyone in the band-map until they could hear
  > Totally soul destroying to almost 'complete' with someone to be told,
  > "Sorry, I can't hear you now. Please call me later." I'm not getting at
  > method at all, it's obviously murder down there, it's just soul
  > So... I've removed my hair shirt and climbed off the bed of nails. And
  > Steve, as for reducing the power to 10 watts!! Come on! And in spite of my
  > terrible experience (and it was terrible - those who heard it will know
  > I mean) with PA4DX (Wim Stoltenberg, Ravelstraat 30, 2162 Ar Lisse,
  > Netherlands pa4dx at amsat.org) I think the band space allocated is fine. It
  > a contest after all.
  > Stewart
  > GM4AFF
  > -----Original Message-----
  > From: Dave Lawley [mailto:g4buo at compuserve.com]
  > Sent: 20 January 2003 08:57
  > To: UK Reflector
  > 289 QSOs including one dup.
  > Yes, the band was very crowded, but it looks like this year the
  > top scores won't exceed 320. My best total was in 1996 when
  > I made 346 Qs, and G4PIQ several times exceeded the 400
  > mark so actually there has been a drop in activity.
  > The SSTVers have been a major nuisance for several years.
  > One Saturday afternoon when I'm in the shack I'm going to
  > monitor 3730-3740 and see just how much SSTV goes on.
  > I strongly suspect that most of what we had to put up with
  > wasn't real SSTV activity, just a few policemen trying to
  > defend 'their' allocation which is no more than a recommendation
  > in the Region 1 bandplan.
  > Antenna was an inverted vee, centre up about 55ft and ends
  > at about 30ft, running roughly NW-SE. I'm happy to admit
  > to using a reflector, about 140ft long, 6ft high and offset to the
  > south of the dipole to try to shove my signals up country. I
  > strongly suspect that its effect is mainly psychological.
  > Interestingly though, I seem to be called by GMs early on
  > in the event, despite the fact that I'm one of the most southerly
  > stations.
  > Dave G4BUO
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