ian fugler ian at g4iiy.freeserve.co.uk
Mon Jan 20 17:59:01 EST 2003

I also spent some time listening during AFS SSB last weekend.  I listened in
the 3730-3740 SSTV 'window' for quite some time and can only echo what
others have already said.  After the contest finished, I listened around for
30 minutes or so and heard no SSTV activity whatsoever.

I also heard a UK station, who had been running on 3.677Mhz for some time,
being asked to move by a DL station because they used that frequency for
their daily net.  To his huge credit, he agreed to move without any
argument.  Given the comments about the difficulties in securing a run
frequency, that seems above and beyond to me.

For what it's worth, the consistently loudest signals here in Cumbria (using
a 160 Carolina Windom at abt 40 feet) were G3NLY, G4BWP, G3BJ, G3SJJ and
G3NKC in about that order.  They were working stations that I simply could
not hear - even with a virtually nil noise level - for the first 90 minutes.


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