Dave Sergeant dsergeant at connectfree.co.uk
Mon Jan 27 11:23:49 EST 2003

I won't dwell on my effort in CQ160 only to say that I had 100 QSOs 
and 11020 points. But I was operating QRP, by it was hard going!

There was some discussion a few weeks back on Cabrillo logs and how 
they are scored with respect to dupes etc. Reading the rules for 
CQ160 I note the following:

'Penalties: Three additional contacts may be deleted for each 
unverified contact removed from the log'

If this is interpreted literally, presumably this means that all 
contacts with stations who do not submit a log cannot be verified and 
hence will be removed, together with three others. This means most of 
us wouldn't have very much left! So I assume they don't mean what 
they say in the rules...

It is also not clear in the rules how they allocate certificates to 
the 'categories' within the single operator class. As mentioned 
before, since they don't even have a claimed score page on their web 
site, the first anybody knows the results is when it appears in CQ. I 
would hope, in view of how up front ARRL (and RSGB to a growing 
extent) are in making claimed results available, that this would 
change, but I expect it won't.

An enjoyable contest, despite the K index which deadened things on 
the Sunday, but certainly hard work for me.  Thanks to those who 
persevered in giving me a contact.

73s Dave G3YMC

dsergeant at iee.org
dsergeant at btinternet.com

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