G0TPH at aol.com G0TPH at aol.com
Wed Jan 29 05:45:19 EST 2003

Hi Chris and all,

If you've got access to the net you could try a direct comparison between 
that and the Packet Cluster to see how many spots you get, and how quickly. 
Try DX Summit at http://oh2aq.kolumbus.com/dxs/ (there are a few factors to 
take into account of though, such as which spots originated on the net get 
propagated to the Packet Cluster.)

I've recently started using a telnet session to PI5EHV from the Corley node 
because my link to NMCLUS was lost when AYI went QRT. I was on the phone to 
G3RIR this morning - he was connected to NMCLUS, I was connected to EHV and I 
was getting many more spots than he was (Eu sourced spots too).


Alan, G0TPH

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