Cooper, Stewart coopers at odl.co.uk
Sun Jul 27 17:33:43 EDT 2003

Have just thrown this together as I'm off for a short holiday. Conditions on
HF were terrible. On Sunday I actually had to check that the 15m antenna was
attached - I could hear 7 signals on 15m, and they all came from the PC
monitor in my shack! Naturally 10m was a waste of space up here. Conditions
on LF seemed quite goodish, but I didn't hear any quantity of mults on 80 or
40m. I daren't say any more 'cos I can't help feeling that we moan a lot up
here about our relatively poor conditions. (Well I do anyway!).
My heart wasn't in it though. I slept from 0400 to 0630 local because I
wasn't working anything. I liked my new FT1000MP and Alpha, but the amp
won't stop tripping at the slightest thing, which was frustrating. I had a
few handicaps antenna-wise. The 40m beam was at 22ft due to the tower
collapsing last month and I only had the 3ele which I threw together for
IARU on 15m. But it was fun in spite of that and the usual last 2 letter
brigade! I keep hearing the phrase "What's my number?" ringing in my head.
This score is half of my 2001 score... (and is very raw as there may be some
15 pointers which aren't).

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   

   80SSB     179         179       1281      45 
   40SSB     217         217       1452      42 
   20SSB     862         862       4023      73 
   15SSB      41          41        459      25 
   10SSB       7           7         57       3 

 Totals     1306        1306       7272     188 

    Final Score = 1367136 points.


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