[UK-CONTEST] RSGB Cabrillo update/ Serial numbers

G3WVG g3wvg at lycos.co.uk
Tue Mar 4 04:30:29 EST 2003


You are not alone ..(at least, not re Writelog and cw!)... but, as far as I
can tell we are in a small minority.  The strange thing is , some CW folk
seem positvely evangelical about WL.

I bought a copy a while back, I was impressed with it's band mapping.  I'm
not as good at search and pounce as I could be and thought it might help
multi-op set ups or even SO2R should I ever get the hang of it..
But as for actually using the program to log qsos it doesn't suit me.  So
for a few months I have been using WL as my normal station logbook in an
effort to get accustomed to it.  The problem is ..the more I use WL the less
I like it.

As for CT not doing outgoing serial numbers properly when networked .. I've
seen that problem. But certainly over the past couple of years we've used CT
on NFD with two networked laptops with no serial problems. Perhaps later
versions of CT are better.    NFD qso rates are not high however and  the
computers are effectively in an S+P mode.

Oh yes ..Chris I know that you know but others might not.... One simple
thing,  don't forget to type CT -LZ when loading the program ...that way it
sends the full number eg 001 and not just 1 ...one of my pet hates.

73 .....Ian ....G3WVG

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