[UK-CONTEST] RSGB Cabrillo update/ Serial numbers

Tim-M0BEW m0bew at blueyonder.co.uk
Tue Mar 4 07:58:25 EST 2003

> By the way, I still think Writelog is no good for high-rate CW contesting,
> because of the poor callsign/zone entry method, and the problem of not
> able
> to edit a callsign while it's being sent (apart from maybe the last 1 or 2
> letters) -
> I must be alone in this criticism ! (With good old CT, you can correct as
> much
> of the callsign as you like, if you can type fast enough)

Chris, the call/zone entry routine can be set identical to CT.
You can edit any part of the callsign during a sent exchange.

This has to be the case for me because if I'm tired, bored, eating pizza or
doing something else I find myself playing catch up.
What I mean by this is,
WB2XYZ calls, I type WB press enter to send the exchange then as the
exchange is sending I type in 2XYZ, or WB2 press enter and type XYZ.
Allowing my mind an extra second or so to catch up, and allowing a fluid
sounding exchange.

Same goes for realtime editing during sending of the exchange.
If I type DL8XYZ and it should be DL7XYZ as the exchange starts you can
correct (I prefer to use overtype rather than delete and replace a
character) any part of the call, and it will be corrected realtime. As long
as you can get there before its sent obviously. This is identical to CT,
although I'm not sure if CT supports overtyping... probably does.

If the focus is automatically shifting from the call to zone field after the
exchange key is pressed hindering corrections, or any of these things above
are not possible then WL is not configured properly. That's if you want it
to act like above anyway.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Tran GM3WOJ" <gm3woj at talk21.com>
To: "Tim-M0BEW" <m0bew at blueyonder.co.uk>; "UK Contesting"
<uk-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 7:51 AM
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] RSGB Cabrillo update/ Serial numbers

> Hello all
> Tim M0BEW wrote :
> "If you have CT, TR, WL etc or anything that supports IOTA or WPX you can
> without any major editing what so ever."
> Sorry to disagree with you, Tim, but this may not be correct.  For
> both CT and WL do not support issuing serial numbers properly - in fact
> contest
> software still seems to have a problem with serial numbers, especially if
> you are
> using more than 1 PC on a network, which you might wish to do for SO2R in
> some of the above
> contests, or in IOTA with its 'Multi-single' category.   Also, some
> (e.g. CT
> in AFS) does not allow you to store the received exchange properly.
> In last year's Jubilee contest (which I think was a success despite all
> efforts to 'talk it down') and the 21/28 SSB, I used CT in WPX mode, then
> had to spend a lot of time after the event checking mults. etc. to prepare
> the entry.
> Obviously Cabrillo would now reduce this post-contest checking, etc., but
> there
> may still be problems.  Will the new RSGB Cabrillo log-checking software
> able to check serial numbers ?
> I'm guessing that once the contest calendar is finalised, the HFCC  might
> approach some of the software writers and organise the creation of
> for the
> specific RSGB contests - I don't think this is a big deal for the writers,
> if we take
> Writelog as an example it seems to support lots of 'smaller' contests.
> By the way, I still think Writelog is no good for high-rate CW contesting,
> because of the poor callsign/zone entry method, and the problem of not
> able
> to edit a callsign while it's being sent (apart from maybe the last 1 or 2
> letters) -
> I must be alone in this criticism ! (With good old CT, you can correct as
> much
> of the callsign as you like, if you can type fast enough)
> 73
> Chris     GM3WOJ

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