G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Sat Nov 8 05:40:35 EST 2003

Don, I didn't reply earlier because it is some years since I had firstly one
and then a pair of phased HFV2s and had forgotten about the points that Jim
has made.

I agree with his comments about the coil across the feedpoint. The more
radials you add the lower the inductance needs to be. Alec , the late GM5VS,
did a lot of work on this and concluded the coil was lossy anyway. It might
be worth calculating or measuring the approximate inductance and replacing
the coil with a less lossy version, say some 6mm dia copper tubing, or even
wind a few turns of thicker wire on an old 2.5" ceramic former. Add a few
taps and then you can experiment with various settings.

BTW, I had a long discussion with Mike G3SED at the Convention regarding
using wire mesh screen instead of radials. I currently have 15 radials on
each of my phased verticals, (resurrected last season from the old
Butternuts!) Dave G4BUO will confirm we saw 5 s-points difference West to
East on ZF2NT when he was here last week, but even so I am considering
adding a strip between each element and then a further strip respectively on
the left of one and on the right of the other, since they are only about 2.5
metres from the hedges and I don't have any radials there.

Of course I have left it until the winter weather before doing these
things!! Wouldn't have it any other way!  73 Chris  (99% recovered from the
Flu/Chest Infection which prevented me from serious drinking last weekend!)
I might even get to go swimming soon.

-----Original Message-----
From: uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of Jim Martin
Sent: 07 November 2003 21:48
To: uk-contest at contesting.com
Subject: [UK-CONTEST] HF6V Radials

Hi Don
I had a similar problem on the Summer Isles this year when the base loading
coil had a poor connection. This coil only comes into play on LF and is used
to lower the SWR and has no effect on resonance. The  more compressed the
coil the poorer the earth system.  I would have thought with your radial
system the coil would be opened to about 3 inches.  I use sixteen radials
and have to adjust the coil to between 2 and 3 inches depending on the
actual ground conditions to get minimum swr on 80m.
Have a look at the radial info and general HF6V information at
www.bencher.com  which is an eye opener for anyone who uses a vertical!
(MM0Q in this weekends RTTY WAE contest)

--   MM0BQI/P   --  IOTA DXpedition Summer Isles, EU92, IOSA SC10,  18-27
October 2003

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