[UK-CONTEST] USB to serial converters

Dave Lawley g4buo at compuserve.com
Tue Sep 9 18:13:42 EDT 2003

Steve Bunting wrote:

>I may need another serial port as I am thinking about using a band
>decoder to switch antennas (after the rats nest that is FD).

You don't have to decode via the PC. I made a decoder for the 
FT1000MP which runs off the band data jack (8 pin DIN plug with
offset pin) and switches both the Dunestar filter and 6-pak antenna
switch. There's a comparable circuit for Icom rigs.

Mine is only set up for the six contest bands, but the Yaesu 
interface will do all nine if you require. There's a problem with
the Icom system because it was designed in the days when 
we only had six bands, so you get the same output voltage 
for 10/12m and 15/17m. For that reason, at M2000A and GB50
we did the antenna switching via Turbolog, but for contests
where only six bands are involved, going via the PC isn't
necessary. I don't have any experience of auto antenna 
switching from Kenwood or (recent) Ten-Tec rigs but I'm sure 
it's possible.

Dave G4BUO

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