[UK-CONTEST] 80M cc ssb

QSL qsl at zetnet.co.uk
Thu Apr 15 06:18:39 EDT 2004

The message <s07e58d1.017 at IA-GEN-A2.dundee.ac.uk>
from "Andy swiffin" <a.l.swiffin at dundee.ac.uk> contains these words:

> Hi,

> Are all these CC contests as wild as that?  

Yes !

So you didnt get berated by the 'extra wide' SSTV boys then, or the
Johnny Foreigner on c 3651 telling people they would be disqualified
from BERU for using a Mic ?

I have to say that most UK operations I heard/worked were nice clean
signals, good snappy operating [as usual] yet prepared to take their
time with 'newbies'. Still the old problem of slightly deaf Rigs/Ops,
and only one slight problem with the nonuse of phonetics

Didn't hear GJ or GD this time, although GU was around, as was EI.

No, all in all another fun hour and a half on 80 - Thanks to all who
managed to work me - See you on May 3rd I hope.

Graham M5AAV, who is wondering if it would help if he put his bit of
wire up to Twelve feet agl.


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