Don Beattie g3ozf at btinternet.com
Fri Aug 6 07:00:32 EDT 2004

Hello fellow IOTA-ers,

When I posted the G5W score, I had not intended to start a debate about the rules (again !). Interesting comments, though, from all.

I agree with the comment that a unique/rarer COUNTRY prefix in the UK (GD, GU, GJ etc) helps when being heard on the bands, but my comment that those on a "unique" IOTA island had an advantage still stands I think.  You are much more likely to get support for moving a station around the bands/modes if YOU are rare/unique !  We had to work really hard to get people to move around for EU005 !

I note the comment about adding /p on the call - interesting approach !

But I'm not in favour of changing the rules. I agree with the comments that there are enough sections in IOTA to satisfy all interests, and I think there are very good reasons to allow the IOTA Contest to "mature" with a stable set of rules. It's a great contest, and I for one will be back next year - as I suspect almost everyone else will be !


Don, G3BJ 

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