Andy Chadwick andy at g3ab.net
Sun Aug 8 14:50:43 EDT 2004

There didn't seem to be much activity (on CW)  from the UK which 
surprised me as this is a fun contest. Only 12 hours long and lots of 
categories to chose from!



Claimed Score :-

     European HF Championship

Call: M0IPX
Operator(s): G3AB
Station: M0IPX/G6M

Class: CW Only HP
QTH: North Yorkshire
Operating Time (hrs): 12

  Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Mults
   160:   45            29
    80:  190            51
    40:  200            51
    20:  223            53
    15:  180            52
    10:  113            44
Total:  951     0     280  Total Score = 266,280



Operated from Brimham Contest Group.

Station Info

Rig : FT-1000MP and single GS-35 Amp.

Antennas:  10/15/20m   4 ele tribander.
            40m         1/4 wave vertical.
            80m         Doublet.
            160m        1/4 wave vertical.

Software: EUHFC by UA1AAF (worked superbly!)

It's a pity that the new rules will prevent stations without
radio/computer control to compete for the plaques.

Conditions were fairly good despite high QRN on the low bands.
Nice to see 10m open in the afternoon.

Hard to compete on 160m from here as the band was only just starting
to really open as the contest ended - too far West !!

Many thanks to M0WKR, M3UZL and G3UNA for the help in setting up
and the hospitality.

Enjoyed the contest - great fun. Hope to be QRV again next year.


Andy, G3AB

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: 

Andy Chadwick
andy at g3ab.net

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