Nigel G3TXF nigel at G3TXF.com
Sun Aug 8 17:59:29 EDT 2004

Hullo UK Contesters,

This year I did just 6.5 hours in the EU-HF-C (CW only : 375 Q's, 167 Multa nd 62,625 pts claimed)

  Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Mults
    160:    0     0        0
     80:  115     0       39
     40:  119     0       42
     20:   46     0       28
     15:   51     0       31
     10:   44     0       27
 Total:   375     0      167  

The EUHFC is a great contest. Sorry that I was not able to put in more than a few hours this year. 
 It's always interesting copying the incoming "year licenced", especially when you come across someone of the same vintage as yourself!
Fellow 65'ers met this year were : EW8DX, F5IN, G3UFY and LY9Y.
 The change in contest time (12z-24z) is a definite improvement. The stations in western Europe now have a chance to make better use of 80m (and 160m).
 73 - Nigel G3TXF

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