[UK-CONTEST] EU HF Championship

Jim Martin - MM0BQI MM0BQI at blueyonder.co.uk
Mon Aug 9 02:41:18 EDT 2004

EU HF Championship 2004
sponsored by Slovenia Contest Club

Call:           MM0BQI    
Category:    SOMB MIXED LP
Operator(s):    MM0BQI

Band     CW          Phone      Mults
160m	0	0	0
 80m	0	0	0
 40m	34	10	26
 20m	52	13	37
 15m	16	15	21
 10m	16	15	17
	118	53  	101

Total valid CW QSO:	118
Total valid SSB QSO:	53
Total multipliers:	101
Claimed Score:	17271
Station Description: 
Radio:  FT1000MP 40 watts
Antenna(s): 40m dipole 6m agl

Remarks: This was good fun! Even 10m was open to Europe, the first
opening I have caught for a long time.  More CW Qs than SSB as it
causes less of a problem with interference. Not a bad haul for four hours
operating, if only IOTA had been this weekend!
Let's hope for good conditions next weekend.

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