[UK-CONTEST] SD - Russian RDA Contest

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Fri Aug 20 16:15:32 EDT 2004

SD supports the Russian District Award (RDA) Contest. It takes
place from 10:00 UTC to 21:59 UTC on Saturday 21st August.

This is an all-band (6 bands from 160 to 10m) event with SSB,
CW and Mixed sections - full rules at

You'll need SD V11.00 - earlier versions will not work with the
Russian 4-character district codes.  You can get this from

SD Setup 
Select Type 10
.MLT File           : RDA
.CTY File           : DXCC
Mults Count         : O (Once Only)
Points/QSO          : 10
Pts/Bonus           : 0 (multipliers)
Receive Serial from
         Area QSOs  : N
Mode                : CW or SSB (your mode now)
Mixed-Mode Contest  : Y or N (your choice)
Mults count on
       both modes?  : N
Work same station
    on both modes?  : Y

Work Russians only - SD displays the country as you enter
prefixes.  Don't call them if they're not Russian. 
You can work
  European Russia
  Asiatic Russia
  Kaliningrad (UA2)
  R1FJ and R1MV

Send 59(9) + Serial
    Multipliers are Russian Districts - they count once only.

Receive 59(9) + 4-character district code.

SD's multiplier file RDA.MLT contains only a selection of the
possible district codes - however, it adds new ones as you
work them - up to a maximum of 200.

Use SDCHECK, after the contest, to create your Cabrillo format
log. Email it, as an attached file, to rx3rz at tmb.ru

Paul EI5DI

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