[UK-CONTEST] Extended 7Mhz - Band plan

QSL qsl at zetnet.co.uk
Mon Aug 30 06:30:46 EDT 2004

The message <s1330989.069 at IA-GEN-A2.dundee.ac.uk>
from "Andy swiffin" <a.l.swiffin at dundee.ac.uk> contains these words:

> >
> >Perhaps there is an opportunity here for we contesters?  We could
> lobby for
> >the extra 100Khz to be reserved totally for contest operating, or to
> extend
> >the CW section from 7.00 to 7.15(!)?

> What a great oportunity to redress the balance and give a sensible
> allocation to the curerntly most disadvantaged mode.

> Yey!!!   a whole 100Khz allocation for RTTY,  about time too!!!

How's about 7.190 to 7.200 for SES Stations , and amend the NOV's to
show only that slot.
That will stop half the moaners.

I imagine that 7.1 to 7.19 will be full of those who have not re-tweaked
their 1KW Linears properly anyway <smiles>

I assume most 'modern' rigs are not Tx limited to 7.1 ?

73 with a smiley on all the above comments.

Graham [who really must clean the tuning C on his 520 to stop it
crackling above 100khz from band edge]

73 Graham M5AAV    http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/m5aav/qsl.htm

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