Andy swiffin a.l.swiffin at dundee.ac.uk
Tue Aug 31 04:07:21 EDT 2004

>Well, someone must have sacrificed something to the Gods of
>15m was wide open from about 9pm local, and was still open when I gave
>for the evening, around 11pm!
>Signals were far stronger then than at any other time.
>This is a good fun contest, as DXCC entities are not mults (although
>still need to realise this!). 

Like me you mean :-)

To be fair to myself I never really intended to have a go in this
contest so I hadn't properly checked the rules.  I went down to the
shack on Saturday evening and played a bit on top band, nice to find
OY1CT there on CW and to have a chat with gm6hgw over in fife who'd just
put up an aerial for the band, (which given very good eyesight I should
be able to see as he's right oposite me over the river).  Well. I just
thought I'd have a wee look on 80 seeing as I was there, and just
happened to have a look down at the rtty end and .... well, you know how
it happens........  (Just one little qso can't hurt?  Is there a meeting
for 'radio amateurs anonymous' anywhere?)

N1MM logger also misled me to thinking countries were mults by putting
them in the score summary (even if they weren't counted in the score!)

So I spent a total on time of 7.5 hours, made 250 QSOs:

        Band    QSOs    Pts  Mis   N/A
         3.5      39         79   21   24
           7      27           55   16   21
          14     141       311   32   51
          21      42          86   15   31
          28       1            2    1    1
       Total     250      533   85  128

     Final Score : 68,224

80 seemed in good shape on saturday night so I missed out on the
opening Phil found on 15!  KP4KE was a nice find for a new one on 20 6
minutes before the end!   Also a few signals from further west in Canada
which I don't often get, VA6MM, VE6AX.  Being on for a more limitted
time seemed to have benefits in that I seemed to have a quite
sustainable run even at the end of the contest.  If I'd been on on
Saturday evening I daresay 40 would have been quite productive too!

Gear as usual ts830 100W max, Dipole for 40 and 20 at 8M agl and a bit
of wire which goes up the pole along and down again plus atu for
anything else.


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