[UK-CONTEST] What switched mode 13.8V PSU?

Andy Chadwick andy at g3ab.net
Tue Feb 10 12:41:25 EST 2004


I've used a Watson and also the Kenwood PS-40 - both have 110/240v 
switch on the outside which makes life easy. Both work fine and are 
quiet in all ways.

Used them all over the place - on dodgy mains and generators without any 
problems so far.



In message <001101c3ef4f$f010e600$71498751 at tinypc>, James Fisher 
<gm0nai at btinternet.com> writes
>I am looking for some recommendations on a 13.8V switched mode PSU for 
>operating portable and holidays with my K2.
>I have seen several on the market from:
>Any thoughts? Or other makes I should consider?
>I guess a multi input voltage unit 115/230 or similar would be more 
>flexible than a 230 only
>Also I have heard reports that some switched mode PSUs can suffer 
>problems when connected to a generator that runs out of fuel and the 
>waveform lengthens from the std 50Hz resulting in PSU failure. Does 
>anyone have any inputs on this or should I just heave along the bigger 
>heavier linear supply?
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Andy Chadwick
andy at g3ab.net

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