g3pjt g3pjt at whsmithnet.co.uk
Tue Feb 24 15:21:05 EST 2004

__X__ QRP (5W or less output)

Single Operator  Valid QSOs W/VE Multipliers

 40                          6                 6
 20                          124             35
 15                          125               35
 10                          6                     5
 TOTAL                 261                 81

  261   QSOs  * 3  = _783_  x       81  Multipliers = 63423

W/VE Multipliers:

 40 Meters
CT    MA    ME    PA    NC    NS

 20 Meters
CT    MA    ME    NH    RI    VT    NY    NJ    DE    PA    MD    GA    NC
FL    TN    VA    AR    LA    TX    CA    MT    OR    WA    MI    OH    WV
IL    IN    WI    IA    MN    MO    NE    ON    AB

 15 Meters
CT    MA    ME    NH    RI    VT    NY    NJ    PA    MD    GA    KY    NC
FL    TN    VA    LA    NM    TX    OK    CA    AZ    MI    OH    IL    IN
WI    CO    IA    MN    MO    NE    NS    PQ    ON

 10 Meters
PA    MD    AL    GA    NC

Very good conditions on 21MHz but 28MHz was difficult. Set up was 5 Watts to
an Elecraft K2.
Antenna 8 el home brew yagi for HF and 4 square for 7MHz
First real attempt at QRP contesting, all search and pounce but actually
quite enjoyable . Surprising what could be worked and what couldn't be!
Sunday was disrupted by loss of power for 5 hours.

K2 2642

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