[UK-CONTEST] Invitation to join the UK CW table for 2004!

G3WGV at aol.com G3WGV at aol.com
Sun Jan 4 18:19:08 EST 2004

To all UK CW operators
You are invited to join the 22nd annual UK 10-band CW table, starting  
1st January 2004.
The purpose of the table is to encourage CW activity on the HF bands  and
six metres. Each year participants start afresh and work as many  DXCC
entities on each of the ten bands as possible between 0000Z on 1st  January
and 2359Z on 31st December. All UK Radio Amateurs are welcome  to
participate. You do not have to be active on all bands to make an entry.  
You just have to make some QSOs using Morse Code! 
All CW QSOs count: rag chewing, contests, general DXing. No QSL cards  are
required: you are on your honour to report your score honestly. There  are
no prizes, it's just a bit of fun and it helps to keep CW activity  going
throughout the year.
Scores can be submitted to the table manager, G3WGV in the following ways: 
* Via Internet e-mail to _cw at g3wgv.com_ (mailto:cw at g3wgv.com)   (preferred 
* Via the UK Packet Cluster, mail sent to G3WGV
Your score should be sent weekly as of 2000Z on the Sunday. If you  send
your score in by 2000Z the following Tuesday, it will be included in  that
week's tabulation. Send your score as a single line of text in  the
following format: 
00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 TT DD 
00  is your in-year DXCC score for 1.8MHz
11  is your in-year  DXCC score for 3.5MHz
22  is your in-year DXCC score for  7.0MHz
33  is your in-year DXCC score for 10.1MHz
44  is your  in-year DXCC score for 14.0MHz
55  is your in-year DXCC score for  18.0MHz
66  is your in-year DXCC score for 21.0MHz
77  is your  in-year DXCC score for 24.9MHz
88  is your in-year DXCC score for  28.0MHz
99  is your in-year DXCC score for 50.0MHz 
TT  is the sum [00..99] i.e. the sum of all the band scores 
DD is your all-bands DXCC total for the year. 
NB: any band scores that are zero must be shown as such. 
An example:
5 17 21 0 125 14 101 4 75 1 363 127
This means that I have worked 5 DXCC Entities on 160m, 17 on 80m, etc.  My
total number of band slots is 363 and my all-bands DXCC total is  127.
You can, of course include other comments with your e-mail.  I am  always
interested to hear your news and if it's of interest to the rest of  the
group then I will attach it to that week's table, unless you ask me not  to.
Tables are published weekly as follows: 
* Via the UK Packet Cluster, as a bulletin to "UK".
* Via the Internet as an e-mail message. 
To obtain the table via Internet e-mail, please send an e-mail to 
_ukcwtable-subscribe at yahoogroups.com_ 
(mailto:ukcwtable-subscribe at yahoogroups.com) .  This will request inclusion in the
distribution list. The subject and content  fields are completely ignored
by the registration process, so if your  callsign is not obvious from your
e-mail address, please send me a separate  e-mail with your callsign.
The 2004 table has just started. Start keeping track of your scores  and
submit them to me as shown above. That's it! It's really a lot of fun  -
it makes having those QSOs with UA3 on all bands worthwhile and it  will
amaze you how your score can mount up, especially if you take part in  a
few contests along the way.
I look forward to welcoming you to the UK CW table. Any questions,  just
73, John
_cw at g3wgv.com_ (mailto:cw at g3wgv.com) 

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