G3WVG g3wvg at lycos.co.uk
Mon Jan 5 18:20:14 EST 2004

Hi Gang ..E-mail logs only ...excellent!

94 QSOs..... 3 A's contest Group ....QTH Surrey
100Watts ..ancient TS930 with QSK and a hastily erected inverted vee at 50

Good fun with wierd conditions ...just like SJJ I also heard the wideband
burble at the 3520 end ..but guessed it was local to me.and stuck with it
for 50 mins or so.

Stations outside my groundwave ..up to about 150 miles I guess..... were
generally weak ..so weak in fact that I thought a few of the well known big
guns must be running QRP.

Another odd effect which popped up about 30 mins into the contest was was
the very long and  loud echo of my own signals... It was so loud through the
QSK that when I first noticed it that I thought it was someone fooling
around on the frequency.....but it wasn't!  The delay was really long and
not like the usual ringing effect one often hears on LF with QSK.  It's
difficult to judge but I guess it was a delay of at least a dash (@ around
25wpm.  Anyhow that lasted about 30 mins then faded out.

I suppose I'll have to try and get off early from work and borrow a
microphone (I think that's what they're called) for the next one.

73 Ian

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