Paul Brice-Stevens paul at g0wat.demon.co.uk
Mon Jan 12 14:51:46 EST 2004

I worked the contest from a fellow club members house and I fear made a 
bit of a pigs ear of it...it seemed incredibly noisey at the 
location...don't know if anyone else had the same problem or it was a 
local phenomenon?

I, for the life of me could not get a run going in the first 
hour...stupidly spent too much time trying when I should have realised 
it would have been much better to have S&P'ed more...antenna was a loop 
fed via an SGC Smartuner which shouldn't be a noisey set-up , but for 
whatever reason it was a case of agn! agn!...sorry for anyone I drove 
distraction with liddish behaviour...must be going deaf (I SAID MUST BE 

Call: G0WAT
Club: Stevenage and District ARS
Q's: 154 inc. 1 dupe
Claimed score: 1530...Oh
Ft1000MP + 100w to trapezoid shaped loop 35ft to 10ft

Paul G0WAT

Paul Brice-Stevens

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